
Use the Transactions function to determine whether a work order dispatch should have activity added, including parts costs, freight costs, or labor resources.

Transactions allow you to track your expenses and billable items on a dispatch. These lines belong to individual dispatches, allowing you to generate unique labor and parts lists, and record dispatch completion details. The information in Transactions is then used to create invoices.

If Service Director interfaces with Inventory, part quantities update IN on-hand quantities online. Posting billed work orders updates dates, summary and detail history, and serial/lot information.

Transactions you add using the Transactions tab on the Dispatch tab of the Work Order Entry screen will be displayed and can be edited if appropriate.

To display all of the available fields, click the summary/detail toggle button ().

  1. Use the New button on the toolbar to add activity to a work order dispatch line.
  2. Select the work order dispatch line to add activity to.
  3. Select the type of activity you would like to add in the Type field. See Part Return transaction type for more information about that transaction type.
  4. Select, if applicable, the technician resource or the item ID in the Resource ID field.
  5. Accept or edit, if applicable, the description in the Description field.
  6. Accept or edit, if applicable, the location in the Location ID field.
  7. Edit, if applicable, the unit of measure in the Unit field.
  8. Edit, if applicable, the date in Date field.
  9. Edit as necessary the Fiscal Period/Year and the GL accounts listed.
  10. Edit, if applicable, the quantity in the Qty Estimated field.
  11. Edit, if applicable, the quantity in the Qty Used field.
  12. Edit, if applicable, the amount in the Unit Price field.
  13. If the activity type you selected is Freight or Miscellaneous, enter the cost of the activity in the Ext Cost field (you may have to click the Toggle button to display the Ext Cost field).
  14. Select, if applicable, a code in the Labor Code field.
  15. Select, as applicable, a class in the Tax Class field. If you selected 'Part' in the Type field, the tax class set up in the item will display. If you select 'Labor', 'Freight', or 'Misc' in the Type field, the tax class will default to 0.

    The tax class will determine the tax rate from the tax location of the customer ID entered into the work order.

  16. Close the screen to save and exit the function.
  17. Click a command button to
  18. Click To
    Update Link Update the picked/received quantities in inventory if Service Director interfaces with Inventory or Warehouse Management
    Lot No/Ser No Entry Enter the lot number or the serial number of a lotted/serialized part if Service Director interfaces with Inventory or Warehouse Management
    Detail View/enter the details of the extended quantity for the selected part if Service Director interfaces with Inventory or Warehouse Management. Bin is required. If the Use Containers WM business rule is set to 'Required', you must enter a container.
    Req Enter a purchase order or requisition if the business rule for Purchase Order has been set to allow generation of purchases from Service Director. The PO number created will appear in the Linked column of the grid.